Winter Gardening For A Head Start On Spring

I spent most of this winter afternoon, after barn chores, cleaning up the garden. As you are probably well aware, seed catalogs are out!  My garden bed planning and production goals are well on their way, allowing me to send off my seed order.

Last year I fooled around with putting sides on my beds to create a definitive 30” growing footprint for the plants. I’ve since pulled the sides all up and with this warmer weather,  and I will be starting to put compost on the beds for this year’s vegetable production.

I’m following Jean Martin Fortier”s Market Gardener’s principles and am still adapting his approach to mine. The journey has been fun. I’ll write about what I’m doing as I work towards spring planting.

Our special for this week (February 2-7 2024) is going to be a take-off of last week’s special. We are offering a Buy 5 (of any size burger, 1#,2# or patties) and get  one package of burger for FREE. That’s actually a 20% discount. WOW! Come on down to the Fredonia Winter Market or visit us at the Farm Store!

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