Stay Connected to Us, Your Farmers

Thank you so much for a great farmer’s market season. We know it takes an extra effort to get up on Saturdays and visit the markets, but it makes a huge difference. Obviously, it helps our farm because of sales and your encouragement, but it also helps the local food movement flourish. The markets also build community and connections as we’ve gotten to know so many wonderful people because of it. We love our farmer’s market family!

We’d like to say a special thanks to the market managers who make all this possible by planning during the winter, getting up early on Saturdays to get to the market before the farmers, and for spreading the word to get people out each week. We really appreciate you Elle & Deb in Williamsville, Annaliese in Fredonia, Sue and Joe in Chautauqua!

Summer markets aren’t the end of farming though, we still need to keep sales coming in during the months when there aren’t outdoor markets. There’s 6 months till we get back to see all of you! Here’s the ways you can stay connected to us, your farmers while keeping your household stocked with delicious nutrient dense foods from our farm.

Visit Our On-Farm Store

Again, this takes extra effort, like shopping the market does. The advantage is that we may have a little extra time to talk or show you around the farm. We have a beautiful property in a very scenic area with many miles of trails. We x-country ski and snowshoe a lot in the winter. Please plan a little extra time to explore while you are here!

The store is self-service on the honor system, so it’s possible to drop in, shop and be on your way quickly too. We are in Chautauqua County at 2361 Waits Corners Rd, Panama, NY 14767


Shop Our On-line Website

We are happy to see orders in our inbox for pickup or home delivery. Orders in Chautauqua County are dropped off within one week. The same for the Erie, PA area. Delivery in the Buffalo region is usually every couple of weeks. We have one Buffalo restaurant that we deliver ground beef to, so it helps us immensely if we have other stops that make the trip worthwhile. The on-line webstore lists all our cuts of meat, if they are in stock and what the price is per item. There are also soups, dips, broths, cheeses, honey, maple syrup, tart cherry juice and roots vegetables.


Buy Meats in Bulk

We also are happy to fill larger orders for beef, chicken & pork to get your freezer filled up. Then you won’t need to go out the store for months! There’s info about bulk meat ordering in the webstore or reach out to ask about availability.

Thanks so much for supporting our farming efforts! It means a lot to us that you value good nutrient dense, delicious food and that you are willing to take extra time to connect with us.

Your healthy, happy farmers,

Steve & Julie

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