Know Your Steaks

man with steaks in his hands

I often get inquiries as to what grassfed steak this is or where does it come from on the animal. I’ll go through a few of the more popular steak…

How to Buy Beef In Bulk

This time of year, we seem to get quite a few requests on how to buy larger quantities of beef such as a whole, half, or quarter cow. Our cows…

The First Snow and Winter Crops

farmer Steve working on his greenhouse in the snow

It was inevitable, but we woke this morning to the ground being covered with snow. This past week has filled my days with trying to get equipment and garden in…

Stay Connected to Us, Your Farmers

Thank you so much for a great farmer’s market season. We know it takes an extra effort to get up on Saturdays and visit the markets, but it makes a…

The Interesting Cause and Effect

Grassfed Beef:  Cause & Effect I picked up the meat from three cows at the butcher this afternoon, and upon loading the boxes of meat cuts, I made notice of…

Farm Market Delivery Up Dates for the Fall

Delivery and Shipping Options from the Heron Farm Store

Delivery Options from the Heron Farm Store For perishable farm products, we offer easy PICKUP at seasonal markets or at the Heron Farm Store in Sherman, NY. HOME DELIVERY is…