Getting Ready For Cows To Graze

Farmer Steve checking fences

Getting Ready For Cows To Graze

I’ve spent the last three days weed whacking under the fence lines that surround the pastures. I first started because through the fall and early spring, the grass had grown over the lowest line in places and reaching for the next line up. When that happens it ends up grounding out the electric pulse of the fence lowering the voltage.  Electric fence keeps the cows grazing where we want them!

As I was going around the fence lines, I noticed all sort of little things that need attention before I send the cows in there to graze around the property. Fence staples out, posts broken off or leaning or a waterline break that came disconnected. Generally if you don’t pay close attention, one might think everything was working just fine. It’s the little things you catch now make the test of the summer go better.

I’ve been in the garden quite a bit it the last few days also. I planted 12 beds recently with things like leaf lettuce, peas, spinach, arugula, carrots, beets and parsnips. I’ve got a few early things in the greenhouse but that area is reserved mainly for peppers and tomatoes later on.

I’m glad the days are getting longer because there already is not enough time to get everything done.

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