Cows Get Their First Day On Grass
Tuesday was the day I decided to turn the cows out to pasture for first time this season. I have been resisting a bit because I have always understood that the grass should be between three and four leaves before it has enough stored energy in it to not be stunted by the grazing. You would think that this process is as simple as taking down the temporary poly wire fence and they would just move to the fresh grass. Well, cows are creatures of habit and when they have been programmed to not going past a certain area because of the electric wire, they just don’t go past an area, even if the wire is not there anymore. Ryan, John and I tried three times to get them to go into the lush grass and they refused to go. Just about the time you think they will walk past the imaginary line, one cow would slip out and the rest would follow running to the other side of the barn area almost as if we were playing a game of tag.
After three attempts to move them into the grassy field, I decided to let them settle for a bit and finish cleaning the barn. On the final attempt, we made a poly wire laneway and when they got to the edge where the grass was, it was either go through the hot wire or move into the field. All it took was one brave sole to take that one step and the rest will follow, which they did! I love the sound of the cows when they get onto fresh grass because all you can hear is them ripping the grass blades from the grass with their tongue and breathing. Such a peaceful sound.

Because their rumen system is not use to fresh grass, I only kept them in that field for a couple of hours then I moved them back into the barnyard. Too much grass without conditioning their Rumen system to the different biology need to break down the fresh grass can cause trouble with the whole digestion process. By the beginning of next week, they will be ready for fresh pasture all the time. Then it will be daily moves to fresh nutritious grass all summer long.
You can check out the recorded live stream of the cows going to pasture on Facebook and shop our 100% Grass Fed Beef at our Farm Store online or come visit us at the farm.