Setting Up Bee Hives

Bee Hives @ The Heron

For the past few years we have worked on setting up bee hives to help with pollination and of course to get their beautiful nectar to use and to sell. Not having any experience in bee keeping, I discovered a friend, Koren, who is the Queen Bee as far as knowing how to handle and care for them. We have four stacks of hives which we were only successful in retaining two of the four this past winter season. The two we retained were very healthy and vibrant. Last week I was working in the garden and I could hear this very loud buzzing sound coming from the hive area. I looked over and saw the air thick with bees buzzing their hearts out. Pretty soon the air settled and there on a swarm box was a large cluster of bees clinging to a branch. It almost looked like a large cluster of grapes. I immediately called Koren and she came down later that day to collect and move the swarm into one of the empty hives.

Bee Swarm
Bee Swarm that formed on the branch before getting put into the hive.

I was very impressed and happy to be able to receive this newest bee colony. Well, wouldn’t you know it, two days ago the same thing happened again. I was again in the garden planting some greens and buzzing filled the air. A second swarm was taking place and they landed pretty much the same place as the first swarm. I again called my friend and she came down that evening after they settled to collect and transfer the bees into the fourth hive. We are full up with bees again and hopefully they will all thrive and pollinate the garden and collect our organic pollen to build those combs.

Caution Bees sign

As I hope everyone is aware, this Saturday will be our first day at the Williamsville Farmers Market where we will be offering our meats and greens. We should have head lettuce, mixed cut lettuce, arugula, spinach and all of our meats (100% grassfed beef, organic pastured chicken and GMO free pork).

We will be offering a “buy 5, one pounders and get 1 free” on our ground beef. That’s 20% off folks! This deal will also be available at the Fredonia Farmer’s Market (which will now be outdoors), as well as at our Farm Store and Online. If shopping online, check-out using Coupon Code FreeGroundBeef with 6 one pounders of our 100% grass-fed ground beef in your cart for the 20% discount.

I am looking forward to seeing all our friends at the market. It’s been a long winter but spring is the natural tonic for that.

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