The Heron May Day Celebration

May Pole

Celebrate May Day Celebrate the beginning of our summer season at The Heron! Music by Kev Rowe & Friends start at 2pm, along with the potluck lunch. Drum & dance […]

May Day 2013: Candles and Campfires

I always look forward to the May Day celebrations at the Heron. It’s a great waypoint on the way to summer, as the snow thaws and the land turns green […]

May Day 2012: Burgers and Bluegrass

Finally, after a cold and reclusive winter, May Day at the Great Blue Heron Music Festival arrived with perfect weather and lots of work to do. Arriving Saturday night, Nathan […]

GBH: The May Day That Was

I found myself back in Sherman, New York this weekend. It’s getting to be a more frequent weekend destination for me as I get more and more deeply involved in […]