Time to reflect

Farmer Steve relaxing and catching up on some reading...

As much as I push back on time for relaxation and down time, I find when I am immerse myself in it because I have no other choice, I realize that it is indeed a good thing. That usually comes from vacation time.  One thing I like is being able to spend concentrated time to read. Most of my time to read is in short spurts usually just before bed where I tend to read the same paragraph several times before I realized I should just turn the light out and go to sleep. When I take time to actually go somewhere where there is nothing else to do but read and relax, I devour several books and absorb the content to keep my focus on what is being written.

The book I just finished was one titled “Holy Shit”. The author is Gene Logsdon who was one of my first inspirational writers when I first got introduced to 100% Grass-fed beef production. He is an author who is able to mix both humor with factual information to keep my attention. The book I’m reading now is titled “Nutrition” by Fred Provenza. This author has done research involving animal production and the different variables involving how an animal figured out what types of food it actually enjoys and is healthy for it to eat. He is also delving into human nutrition and how our bodies change and adjust to the nutrition provided in the womb and our environment. I’m just getting in to this one so hopefully I can enlighten you on what I discover from this book.

Case in point, take time for yourself, even if you need to force yourself to do it.

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