We have a saying on the farm. Our animals have a wonderful life, with just one bad day. This past Monday was one of those bad days as we took three cows to the butcher to have them complete our meat program.

They were grazing in the further most pasture which happens on occasion but also makes it harder to get them to the corral where they are loaded for transport. It takes a lot of preplanning and running lines to get them down there. Because it is a long travel to move them to the corral, they sometimes get a running start down the lane ways and this time when there was a corner to take, they run right through it. This was the case on Monday. Most of the herd made the corner but some did not. That takes a little finesse to get them back in the laneway but we did get the strays back in line. All in all, the morning went pretty smooth. With the coral design taken from a Temple Grandin book, the loading process is pretty smooth. The whole event is stressful and I never get much sleep the night before but as usual, the morning happened without much fanfare and beef production process was completed. This is one of the day’s activities that happen on the farm.

Get your smokers out folks, our special this week is 20% OFF Brisket! We recommend either smoking it or cooking it low and slow in the oven. This deal will be available this Saturday at the Williamsville Farmers Market and the Fredonia Farmer’s Market where we will be offering our meats and greens. We should have head lettuce, mixed cut lettuce, arugula, mustard greens, spinach and all of our meats (100% grass-fed beef, organic pastured chicken and GMO free pork). We are looking forward to seeing you there!
This deal is also valid in person at our Farm Store in Sherman NY as well as Online using the Coupon Code BRISKET20 for 20% off 100% Grass-fed Brisket all week long!