Succession planting

This time of year, most people are starting to wind down the garden and are glad to get what vegetables they can out of the garden. Here at Green Heron […]

Something a bit new for my garden…

Something a bit new for my garden. This is insect protecting netting. I have used the other frost protection covers but they are a bit too much for summer time […]

Processing Chickens

We had one of our “bad days” here at the farm this week. As many of you know, we practice the “one bad day philosophy” at Green Heron Growers meaning […]

Accidents on the Farm

Baleage rounds that were wrapped in white plastic for feed for the cows in the winter months

Accidents are so random that you never think about how or why they happen. They just do. Several days ago Ryan, our herdsman and I were picking up baleage rounds […]

The Heron Bathhouse Project

The contractors have the Heron Bathhouse drawings and will break ground in September. We will be happily flushing and showering by GBH 2025!   But we still need your financial […]

One bad day

Farmer Steve hearding the cows from the further most pasture towards the corral

We have a saying on the farm. Our animals have a wonderful life, with just one bad day. This past Monday was one of those bad days as we took […]

It’s a GREAT Weekend for grilling!

Grilling a 100% Grass-fed Sirlion earlier this week.

On occasion, we like to offer a steak special for those who are interest in trying something new. This week we will be offering 20% OFF Skirt steak. Not many […]

Setting Up Bee Hives

Bee Hives @ The Heron

For the past few years we have worked on setting up bee hives to help with pollination and of course to get their beautiful nectar to use and to sell. […]

Cows Get Their First Day On Grass

Cows enjoying their first fresh grass of the season

Cows Get Their First Day On Grass Tuesday was the day I decided to turn the cows out to pasture for first time this season. I have been resisting a […]