You never know

I have been trying to think of something to write that would be inspiring or uplifting but couldn’t think of anything. Driving back from dropping off plans for our bathhouse which we plan to start this spring, we were driving along and I realize that the car just quit running. Pulling off to the side of the road I tried to restart the car and all it would do is turn over…

Luckily, I have AAA so we are waiting for the tow truck to come and tow the vehicle to the repair garage. As I sit here I start to think about how our nation is in turmoil and what we thought was reality is not secure anymore. Whole organizations are being shut down and jobs are being eliminated with the stroke of a pen. Me being in the farming business I think about all the contracts being eliminated or organization that are loosing all their experienced personnel in the name of eliminating our debt when the real problem comes from all the blubber that has been slipped in to the budget when our legislators put off taking care of approving a budget till the last minute.

I hesitate to believe we should allow a billionaire cart blanch in his efforts to reduce spending when so many tax breaks have been issued to allow him to keep his wealth. Not one person voted to allow him to go into secured information computers to retrieve our information to do who knows what with it. Even if it is just for his own gain, that isn’t the way it should be. I’m not one to usually talk about the state of the union but I sit here in disbelief with what is taking place. I feel helpless but realize the one thing I can do is call my congressman and politicians and voice my opinion. I am but one voice but if we all use our voice it can be a roar and not a whisper. Make the call. You’ll feel better after you do and then do it again.

On another note, we just got a call from AAA and they informed us that what was supposed to be an hour for a tow will now be three hours. Only 12 miles in to town. I might be better off walking. I hope everyone is enjoying the warmer weather and the beautiful sunshine. Till we meet again.

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