As I sit and write about all the goodness from the farm, I then wonder where these on coming months will take us as the world is in turmoil and so much of what we know as sacred is no longer a fact. I am scared to what might happen to this agricultural food industry with all of the support legs being pulled out from under us. I think in the end, the commodity farming industry has depended too much on big government and gone about its business supported by government money. If more of agriculture was performed with regenerative farming practices, we wouldn’t need all the supports. I just worry that so much of what the farming industry depends on will no longer be there. I remember when I was first starting out in 2008. I received several government grants for water for cattle in the pastures and fencing. That helped made the difference in succeeding and failing. I
try not to take anything from government support but some times if you need the help, it’s nice to turn to once in a while. Call your government officials. Voice your opinion, whatever it is.